Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Ten Worst Fashion Trends of the Year
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
A Rant on Wood
I still want to understand why the original owners of the house did this. Who says "Can we make this color a little more golden, you know, more 1990s...more Zack Morris's house"? Why couldn't they have gone with a traditional white? A deep cherry? A rich walnut? A modern dove gray? Anything but this color of honey oak that belongs in a kitchen with floral wallpaper borders.
I partially blame the builders for offering such a color. It's like department stores still selling ugly holiday sweaters - if they'd stop selling this shit, people would stop buying it. No one wants to see grandma in ANOTHER candy cane turtleneck, and no one needs a new house with dated woodwork.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Declutter Weekend
1. Organize your bathroom cabinets. Throw away anything you haven't used in a year (moisturizer that you hate the smell of, hair products that don't work, etc). Put similar products in bins together, grouping hair, cleaning, and soap items together. Replace and toss disposable cosmetic tools, and give all your cosmetic brushes a good shampooing.
2. Empty your linen closet. Refold towels and sheets, removing ones that aren't in good shape for your rag pile. Throw bathroom and guest items into appropriate bins or baskets. Designate shelves for different uses. For instance, in my linen closet there is a shelf with extra pillows, a shelf for sheets, a shelf for towels, a shelf for table linens, and a shelf for pet items.
3. Clean out your "junk drawer". We all have one. Mine is filled with chip clips, paint chips, tools that belong in the garage, flavored tobacco, and all sorts of other things that need a temporary home five minutes before guests arrive. Put everything into its appropriate place.
Hopefully a little time cleaning will make you feel just a bit more relaxed as you enter a season of shopping, wrapping, writing, decorating, baking and cooking.
Monday, November 22, 2010
November Rain

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Don't step on my head
Who are these people who love getting up early to work out? How do they do it? What drives them? How can I get a slice of it? I am not a morning person, so I just can't make myself get up earlier than absolutely necessary for the purpose of working out. But my evenings are filled with meetings, so if I want to get moving I may have to get on the morning workout bus. Anyone? How do I force myself to do this?
If you haven't seen the current sale on, head there now! Great deals. I may get myself into a bit of trouble today...
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Project One

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sales, etc
The Limited has added new items to their sale.
J.Crew is offering an additional 20% off of their sale items.
Ann Taylor loft has a huge sale section right now.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Project Homedesign
Today a storm door is arriving for our front door. The builder for our neighborhood didn't put in storm doors on any houses - you had to do it yourself. So we'll finally be able to open the front door and get a nice breeze in. Plus there's a tax break for adding a storm door. SWEET.
Also getting accomplished is the painting that needs to be done. Someone is coming on Monday to estimate the cost of painting our first floor, ceilings included, so we can get it going. We've chosen colors - Behr's Biloxi for the living room, Mountain Haze for the kitchen, and Polar Drift for the bathroom.
I've ordered new bedding for our guest room. Our dog tore the ubiquitous Ikea duvet cover that was in our guest room, and it was an excuse to finally get more put-together bedding for that room. It should arrive tomorrow and I can't wait.
Once all these things are done, I can finally start hanging art work and doing the rest of the decorating that I've held off on. If, you know, I'm ever ambitious enough to start on it.
Some shopping candy for today: Kohl's has released its new line of Elle Decor accessories. Check it out here!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
2010 Emmy Fashion Wrap!

Worst Dressed:
3. Edie Falco - probably the least flattering black dress on the face of the earth.
2. Holly Burrell - yeah, Carmen Miranda called and she'd like her costume back.
1. Rita Wilson - no surprise here, and no explanation needed.
Best Dressed:
3. Angela Kinsey - a perfectly cut dress with just the right amount of detail and suited to her figure.
2. Sofia Vergara - the vertical line of sequins adds length to her frame.
1. Claire Danes - I realize she was on everyone's list, but for good reason! Perfect fit, perfect color, coordinating hair.
Worst Accessorizing: Anna Paquin - when your dress has that much glitz going on, you really shouldn't have any jewelry at all, and definitely not layers of bracelets.
Best Accessorizing: Keri Russell - I realize she made some worst dressed lists, but I think the accessorizing pulls together the Grecian-meets-beachy look of the whole ensemble.
Worst Use of Color: Naya Rivera - if you're going to do an '80s-style silhouette, don't do teal. Just don't.
Best Use of Color: Katrina Bowden - the wrong style dress could make this color seem garish, but in a floaty dress like this it feels perfect.
Worst Hair: Julie Bowen - I love her on Modern Family, but this looks like my hair after a night of drunken dancing with my friends.
Best Hair: Nina Dobrev - just the right amount of height, perfect with her dress and earrings.
There it is! My thoughts on this year's Emmy Awards red carpet.
Photo -
Get your ax, the zombies are coming
Has anyone else been browsing the runway shows from New York Fashion Week? I love it, because with autumn around the corner (ugh) it's nice to see the bright, happy fashions for next spring. I'm loving Tory Burch's collection.
I've been terrible about reading lately. I got wrapped up in summer television - My Boys, Top Chef, etc - and haven't really finished any books. I've started a couple, but I've lost interest. With many of my favorite TV shows premiering in the next week or two, I'm afraid I'll be even more behind. I'm hoping two new books I received for my birthday from my brother will spark my interest in reading; the previously mentioned True Prep, and The Zombie Survival Guide - because my brother cares enough to educate me on zombie protection.
I promise an Emmy wrap up is coming. No, really.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Organic, people
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
That's a Don't

There are a lot of weird trends in fashion right now, and some of them just simply aren't classy, polished, classic, chic or flattering in my opinion. Maybe it's the prep in me. I just think we can all do ourselves a fashion favor and go without them. So, without further ado, here's my list of fashion dos that I feel are don'ts.
Raw edges
Torn denim
Jodhpurs or any other fluffy-thighed pant
Over-sized grandpa sweaters
Cargo pants
Leather or patterned leggings
Buffalo plaid
Black skinny jeans
Uber-masculine military jackets
Mixed patterns
Open-toed boots or booties
Thigh-high hosiery
Socks with pumps
Neon colors
Cut off shorts
Zippered dresses (more often that not your zipper won't lie flat)
Whatever "Snooki" is wearing
18 different bracelets at once
Of course, my list isn't exhaustive, but it does include plenty of the current crap I'm seeing on the celeb crowd. Just say no to trashy, useless, and unflattering clothing.
Photo of Miley in a number fashion don'ts:
Monday, August 30, 2010
Let's all complain about the heat until we start complaining about the cold.

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Tomatoes, Ahoy
I know that next year I'm not going to bother with green peppers. My plant hasn't yielded any full peppers yet, but does have three brewing. It just doesn't seem like enough payoff for purchasing, planting, watering, and waiting when I can get great peppers from my local farmer's stand at two for a buck. Our banana pepper plant, on the other hand, has yielded two peppers already with another ready to be picked and they really were very good banana peppers. This is coming from someone who doesn't really like peppers.
Our tomatoes, on the other hand, are another story. They went mad. I have two tomato plants, bushes really, and another cherry tomato plant. They've gotten so big they've collapsed, they're giving us tons of fruit, and they smell lovely. I know that I don't need three plants next year - maybe just two extremely well-staked plants. It makes me feel, I don't know, earthy, motherly, have successfully grown my own fruit. As someone with a very black thumb, this is a big accomplishment for me.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I love you, but I love myself more.

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Closets I Once Knew

I'm really hoping that long-sleeved dresses stay in vogue for this fall. I didn't get a chance to jump on this bandwagon last year, and I'm ready to hop on. I'm also hoping Oxford shoes are still on the radar. It appears that equestrian boots, scarves, and suede will still be hot for fall 2010, so I'm excited to see those sticking around.
Now I'd really like to go home and clean out my closet, reorganize, and make room for some new things. And, of course, Project Runway premieres tonight. Fabulous.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Almost Preppy

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Major Bananas
Do you think it's possible to turn the show Rachel Zoe Project into a drinking game? I believe it is. Just take a shot every time she says "bananas", "I die", or "major".
I think I may need to start scheduling in reading time. I never seem to get around to it; get up, walk the dog, get ready, commute, work, commute, cook, eat, walk the dog, watch Top Chef....where am I supposed to fit reading into this schedule? I think I need to start planning it into my day, especially since the book club I mentioned earlier has finally taken off!
I've totally lost any sense of concentration. I think I need a vacation. Who wants to go on a road trip?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sale alerts
The Limited is offering free shipping on its website today.
Lands' End Canvas is having a 50% summer merchandise sale online.
Happy shopping!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Your decor eye candy for the day
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Happy Wednesday
I wrote into Apartment Therapy today. I'm looking for help on something decor-wise, and I'm hoping they're willing to post my question to their readers. The site is such eye-candy; I have it on my Google Reader and go through all the posts each day. I really love the questions and how helpful the readership is.
I haven't posted any eye-candy of my own here for a while. I'll do something about that. What would you like to see pretty pictures of?
Monday, June 28, 2010
I'm back!
I'm currently eating cherry cheese kringle and drinking my third cup of coffee. Life is good.
I have major shopping fever. I'm considering taking a day off of work so I can hit a local outlet mall alone for a full-blown buying day. I don't know where this came from, but I am having huge shopping cravings. On my list: sandals, day dresses, and necklaces.
I also have some clothing chores to do. I need to iron. Yesterday I popped a button off of my button-fly pale pink shorts, and I have a couple pairs of trousers in need of shortening. I also have a stack of hand-wash-only items that need hand washing, one of which has a mascara stain. Fun times.
I've given up on finishing the book I've been working on (avoiding) for the past few months. I'm starting Kathy Griffin's book. My guess is that this will be infinitely more entertaining.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sunday on the couch
I mentioned earlier that I'm planning to run a 5k with a friend. Since I've been so busy, I haven't really had a chance to do much in the way of training or building up my non-existent stamina. Today I made it 2.5k, so I'm half way there - although I wasn't running the whole time.
I have a new channel on my Directv - The Cooking Channel. Oh, Nigella, how I love thee. I'm thoroughly entertained.
I miss my old roommate, bridesmaid, and friend "A". A lot. She's one of the few people I lived with that was relatively normal. I bet she and I would have a blast sitting on the couch today watching Nigella. But I was crappy at staying in touch, and now that I've moved I'm even more removed from our friendship. That sucks.
Can I say that I don't like the new chambray shirt trend? Dear 1991, please take back your chambray. Please.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Happiness is a new skirt

Friday, May 28, 2010
Lady Gaga - Amy Winehouse with 50% less coke?
I saw Sex and the City 2 last night. Of course I went on opening night, why wouldn’t I? The critics had complained ahead of time that the movie lacked substance, so I went in with low expectations. But really, by the last couple seasons of the HBO series it had taken a turn from being Carrie-sex-column-based to more relationship-based. The upside was that the fashion and the big-city living glamour were still part of the background appeal, but not the story line. The first movie tried to tie up loose ends while moving fashion to the front. I didn’t mind the first movie. I wasn’t looking for something earth-shattering, I was looking to reconnect with the characters I enjoyed.
So, back to SATC2. I went in with low expectations. It really was not as bad as critics made it out to be. Yes, Samantha was terribly un-politically correct. And no, it wasn’t another Shawshank Redemption (but who expected it to be?). And I definitely could have used 25% more Mario Cantone. But otherwise, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Great cameos. I got home and into bed by 12:30, and what did I find on TV while flicking around trying to find something to lull me into sleep? Well, an episode of SATC of course. So I watched the episode where Carrie meets Berger and has her book release party, with Samantha’s terrible chemical peel. It was a nice end to a girly day.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Spring Clean

- 1. The bed - it's probably time for you to wash your mattress pad on a hot-water sanitary setting (kill all the dust bunnies), and if you're taking that off you might as well rotate the mattress, and while you're at it you should probably vacuum under the bed. And wash those random socks that you'll most likely find under there.
- If you have one of those one-piece shower/tub fiberglass surrounds, you should probably clean that ledge around the top.
- Dust your lamp shades, and take a damp cloth to glass shades on your other lighting fixtures. They literally become hot messes.
- Vacuum the lint from your dryer lint trap.
And here's a good tip - start from the top down. Clean light fixtures, wipe upper cabinets, clean counters, dust tables...and THEN vacuum/sweep/mop. There's no use doing the floors before anything else.
This weekend there are 30% off cardigans at The Limited, free shipping at Lands End Canvas (become a FB fan to get a code), and deals on fragrances at VS. I have a $15 Off Any Purchase coupon for The Limited which I plan on using for an Outback Red tank that I tried on last week.
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Run Run

See, I was a “runner” in high school. I use that term with quotation marks, because I don’t consider myself to be a runner. I was a sprinter. Here was the daily drill – two laps jogging around the track (a shortened track, as my HS’s track was a 5-laps-to-a-mile track versus a 4-laps-to-a-mile which is standard for most schools). I often showed up late for the jog so I could get away with just doing one lap. This was followed by stretching, calisthenics, and then either sprinting drills, running stairs, ladders, or some other sprinter-related workout.
My brother is much better than me at this sort of thing. He’s done a couple races. He’s built for distance. And his girlfriend….well, she just won an 8k with a record time recently, and she does triathlon training. So I’m also preparing myself to be embarrassed by my terrible race time. I guess I’ll just have to remind those two that I could TOTALLY beat them in a race across my back yard.
Self Promotion
Friday, April 30, 2010
Dirt Sandwich
What sort of shoes do you wear with skinny or straight-legged jeans? My skinny/straight-leg pants are easy to figure out, as they’re all cropped. But I’m struggling with full-length, non-flared jeans. Sandals are always easy, but not always appropriate for Midwest weather or casual Friday at work. My go-tos have been a pair of bejeweled ballet flats and a pair of equestrian riding boots, but I’d like to have a few other options. I just feel like I have clown feet when I wear loafers or fashion athletic shoes with a jean that doesn’t flare on the bottom. I’ve done the rolled-leg jean look which seems easier to pair shoes with, but again I don’t feel like it’s appropriate for all situations.
Since I’ve started using Google Reader, I respond much less frequently to blogs. I read all of the blogs of my friends, design blogs, fashion blogs, etc, but I don’t comment because it requires me to click through from Reader to the actual blog. How lazy am I? But I know my friends must be doing it too, because people tell me they read it but I rarely get comments. Have sites like Reader reduced interactions on blogs? Do you avoid viewing commenter drama, or having to visit lots of individual sites, by using Google Reader or the like? Is this convenience one more way technology is allowing us to have less real interaction with one another?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
We purchased patio furniture last week. We had a tough time making the decision whether to do a dining table and chairs or to do a seating group. We went the dining table route at our last house, but donated the furniture rather than having to move with it. The truth is, as much as we love the idea of dining outside, we primarily used the furniture for sitting around on a warm day with a magazine, or entertaining a neighbor with a beer, and we can do that more comfortably with a seating group. We ordered it and it arrived yesterday. We will be assembling it tonight and I’m VERY excited. Something about non-plastic patio furniture makes me feel grown up, and buying things that are going to last means that I’m being much more eco-friendly in the long run versus buying disposable plastic nonsense.
I played in a softball scrimmage last night. I’m not formally joining a team this year; nothing can ever replace my old team in my heart, and with late nights at work I can’t commit to making every game. I’m going to be on the call list as a substitute, and I love that idea. It felt good to do some fielding and shake off the cobwebs. That counts as exercise, right?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
This & That, and your mom

I love my new job. I've been busy, which is why I've been terrible at blogging regularly, but here I am! Running around, meeting people, being random and doing 18 things at once - this is totally my thing. So far. Just remember your comfy pumps on the days you need to run around. I am rocking some serious blisters today.
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Monday, April 19, 2010
But I NEED it
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Geese are the squirrels of the water

Friday, April 9, 2010
Around the web
For those who haven't seen it, has created a new section under their "Lifestyle" heading called Glo. It seems to have some better, younger content. I guess it was created to work well on smart phones and iPads, of which I have neither, but I find it is just as much fun to poke around on my desktop computer.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Summer catalogs

Shoe love

Today is a rainy day, and I can never get myself to put on a cute pair of shoes in the rain. I don't want to ruin fabrics, don't want to get my feet wet, and don't want to slip and fall. So today I'm wearing a nerdy pair of Sesto Meucci loafers. Hot.
I painted my nails a festive green for the Easter holiday. I thought the color was going to be mint, but it ended up being more of a lime. Like I said, FESTIVE. Yikes.
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Friday, April 2, 2010
If health care isn't a right, is dying?
individual, including pets, is me.
So, how does that happen? When we moved and my husband switched jobs, his new plan was cost prohibitive for me to join. It would have cost me two unemployment checks just to be added to his policy. That is how someone becomes uninsured.
I feel like there's a myth in this country that the uninsured are crackheads, criminals, drug-dealers, lazy people, women with eight different kids by eight different baby daddies, or people who are just generally working the welfare system. I've heard a lot of rhetoric lately about the uninsured, and I find a lot of it offensive. In fact, the uninsured are people like me. I am one. You could meet me anywhere - neighborhood association meeting, dog park, the Gap, church...pretty much any normal place except on a corner making drug deals. I'm hard-working, educated, and don't want to be uninsured or underinsured.
So what would I like? Standards put in place for medical costs. Everyone has coverage. If there's a fear that universal, government-run heath care will create over-usage of the system, fine, keep co-pays in place. But I don't deserve to die, and another to live, simply because of the type of job I have or don't have. That's crazy. This is America, people.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
KS Sale
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Quarterly update
- Find a job that I love.
Status: so far, so good! - Get involved in the local arts community.
Status: incomplete - Join a group.
Status: incomplete. A friend had emailed me a while back about starting a book club, but I haven't heard back so my guess is that it's fallen through the cracks. - Exercise once a week.
Status: If taking the dog on long walks counts, then yes. But I've been bad about getting on the treadmill or Wii Fit in the past few weeks. - Create a plan for decorating my house and execute it.
Status: In progress. I've finally done a few things, but the plan is still in the beginning phases. - Clean up my social life.
Status: In progress. I made a few Facebook friend deletions in the past week, but I haven't taken it all the way. - Foster the friends I have.
Status: Looking good. I've been spending more time with some of the people who matter most. - Keep reading.
Status: In progress. I got a couple books down, but then got stuck. I need to put my current book down and work on something new. - Stay positive.
Status: In progress. I get pretty heated up when people make ignorant comments in regards to current affairs, and that has been happening a lot lately. - Blog regularly.
Status: Looking good. I've been averaging over three posts a week.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sweepstakes 411
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The Poll has ended

Photo - InStyle Magazine
They call it Snooki, and researchers are looking for a drug to prevent it
I'm doing pretty good on avoiding sugar for Lent, but it's getting harder. I'm avoiding purchasing my Easter candy out of fear I might not have the will power to ignore it.
I did some shopping yesterday at a nearby outlet mall with a friend. The selection was terrible, although I did come home with a blazer from the White House Black Market outlet. Again, with the cropped cardigans people...I'm still struggling to find basics.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
What does "hate to shop" mean?

Friday, March 12, 2010
Life is HARD...
I know once I make a decision I'll feel a lot of relief and excitement. And then I'll go shopping! I'm going to need some more career wear. My last job allowed me to be a bit more business casual, but I get the feeling I'm going to need to turn it up a bit, especially when I'm going out to businesses and meeting clients. Luckily, this weekend is Goodwill days at Bonton stores, which means coupons for every item you bring in to donate. And The Limited is having a 40% off sale on suiting pieces. I think a little retail therapy will help ease the stress of this past week.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Preppy clothing on the web, this and that
If you're like me and enjoy all preppy, nautical, and navy fashions, I have a tip. If you are smaller in size, check out the children's uniform sections of sites like They offer larger sizes (for larger kids into teens) and often have great preppy basics like polos, khakis, and blazers. The best selection is usually in late summer when the school year shopping begins. Check it out.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Oscars Red Carpet Breakdown

Worst Dressed
3. Meryl Streep in Chris March. It was dowdy, boring, and looked like something she dug out of Sharon Stone's closet in 1992.
2. Kate Winslet in YSL. I'm not sure Oscar fashion can get any more boring.
1. Charlize Theron in Dior. Hello, pink boobie whirls.
Best Dressed
3. Diane Kruger in Chanel. I realize this one isn't going to be universally loved, and is already hitting worst-dressed lists, but I love it. It's a risk, I epitomizes Chanel, and it's glamorous. What else would you want on the red carpet?
2. Maggie Gyllenhaal in Dries Van Noten. I love that she went with a pattern, and on a night when color was sorely needed she had a vibrant gown.
1. Zoe Saldana in Givenchy. It had beautiful color, it was age-appropriate, it was fashion-forward, and I loved it.
Other Awards
Worst accessorizing: Kristen Stewart's lack of accessories
Best accessorizing: Mariska Hargitay, for actually wearing a necklace. There was an extreme lack of jewelry at the Oscars.
Best use of nudes: Cameron Diaz
Worst use of nudes: Sandra Bullock in Marchesa. The bottom half looked like snagged lamé.
Most improved: Tina Fey
Best use of color: Vera Farmiga in Marchesa
Friday, March 5, 2010
They call it "gauze"
If I do get one of these jobs I've been interviewing for, I'm going to need to get some new clothes. My closet is comprised mostly of basics and some of them are looking tough. My black cardi lost a button on New Years Eve that I've yet to sew back on. That's sort of the story with much of my work wardrobe - each piece has an issue or just looks worn. I might have to dig out Tim Gunn's list of ten items every woman should own.
Thursday, March 4, 2010

The only green dishwasher detergent I've used so far is Palmolive Eco. A lot of online reviews say it leaves a white residue, but I've had no issue with it. I have a very new dishwasher, so maybe the type or age of the dishwasher plays a role. So far I'm using it because it's both eco-friendly and low cost. I welcome other recommendations!
"I gave up dreaming for a while"
I received an email from The Limited today letting me know about their suit sale. If you buy a jacket you'll get a skirt or pant for free. I think this must be a sign; I must be getting a job soon, right? I mean, I want a new job and have shopping fever, so this must mean that the two are coming together. My current interviews include a local community leader position and a position planning/running a major Midwest ethnic festival. Sounds awesome to me!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Current trends

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Thursday, February 25, 2010
I'm trying to find inspiration online for paint colors, but I've been finding that most interior room pictures feature white painted moldings in modern or vintage homes, or dark moldings in bungalow-style homes. I never find the strawberry blond honey oak moldings and doors that my house is full of. Although we looked at both new and old homes while searching for a residence, our need to move quickly prevented us from picking a real "fixer-upper", so we purchased a home built just two years ago. Since everything is new, it's hard to justify replacing or painting the current shiny-new wood moldings. So I'm on a hunt to find images of homes with 90s moldings.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Old. Navy?

Friday, February 19, 2010
I'm thinking about adding a blog roll to my Frenetic Studio; I figure if you see where I'm spending my time you might understand my ramblings. Although, I might seem less frenetic then...
I have a William-Sonoma gift card from Christmas that I've been itching to spend. However, I am super cheap and don't want to spend much over the $20 card balance. I've been hunting the sales at all the sites in which the gift card will work - WS Home, Pottery Barn, PB Teen, PB Kids, and West Elm - without finding any sale items I'm in love with. Well, scratch that. Sale items I'm in love with that aren't $699. Like I said, I'm cheap.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Lenten mumbling
Not much else new...walked through Target, TJ Maxx and Hobby Lobby today without finding much of what was on my list.
On the topic of directors being ejected from airplanes due to size, I will say that for those of us who have purchased a seat only to have a large person next to us smoosh their body under and over the armrest into the 17" we have paid for is terribly annoying. Whether it's a safety issue or an I-don't-want-the-person-next-to-me-to-invade-my-space issue, I'm sorry Mr. Smith but you'll need to buy yourself another ticket or a spacious first class seat. That may mean you'll have to plan ahead.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Another week

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Thursday, February 11, 2010
Coffee update, et al

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010
What day is it?

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Monday, February 8, 2010
Small steps
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Missing the comforts of somewhere
- Easy access to natural, organic, and alternative foods
- The arts scene
- White girl dreads
- Ann Taylor Loft, Banana Republic, White House Black Market, J.Crew, DSW, and other favorite stores that are now a much longer drive.
- A few of my girlfriends
- My Alma Mater
- The political climate
- The local television stations
- My favorite Chinese restaurant
- The good people-watching bar
- My favorite fish fry
- Trader Joe's
- Downtown in the summertime
- Knowing all the streets
- My favorite coffee shops
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Out and about

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Monday, February 1, 2010
Grammy wrap up
Best dressed - Taylor Swift; perfectly cut dress, well chosen earrings
Worst dressed - Ciara; I have no idea what that is
Best hair - Keri Hilson; love the twist
Worst hair - Katy Perry; 1992 bangs are not cool
Best accessorizing - Miley Cyrus; rocker chic but not over the top
Worst accessorizing - Malin Akerman; those boots are terrible
Best use of color - Jennifer Nettles; the color-blocked red gives her an amazing figure
Best use of neutral - Carrie Underwood; lovely in white without looking bridal
You might be asking why I left perpetual freak show Lady Gaga out of the mix. Well, because her style isn't really worth discussing. She's no longer edgy for the sake of taking a fashion risk; she's just a train wreck for the sake of getting attention. I have no need to discuss her further.
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Reading, or not
I received a stack of books for the holidays, and my aunt recently gave me a stack of books from her donate pile in her basement. With so many books around here that I want to read, there's no point in reading books I'm not interested in. So with that, I'm adding a list to the side of my blog to keep track of what I've read so far this year. Right now, that would be an empty list.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Keeping up

Monday, January 25, 2010
February Vogue
However, a few things struck me in this month's issue, so I'm going to comment on them. First was the new Chanel ad. It's no secret that I love Chanel's jackets with a passion, but this season's jackets are very cool - rough edges, very large tweed weave, and lots of sparkle. I just need to win the lottery.
While I usually find the perfume samples in magazines annoying and awful, I love both of them in this issue. First was the new SJP fragrance, NYC, which is a fun smell and a delightful bottle. The second was my new favorite fragrance, which I discovered while in a Sephora in Palermo, called Parisienne by YSL. So kudos to Vogue for not smelling like an 80-something cougar this month.
Also, the issue was filled with terribly unflattering pictures of Jessica Biel. So if you find yourself to be one of those people who fantasize about Justin Timberlake leaving her for you, this issue will give you a glimmer of hope.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
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