Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Wednesday

I took myself shopping yesterday. It was the end of the Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual Sale, and the bras were all $15.99, so I had to check it out. I also found a couple cute necklaces at American Eagle of all places, and they could easily become staples in my daily work wear. I also visited Lands' End Canvas's web sale yesterday - that site could become dangerous to my wallet, with my love of basics.

I wrote into Apartment Therapy today. I'm looking for help on something decor-wise, and I'm hoping they're willing to post my question to their readers. The site is such eye-candy; I have it on my Google Reader and go through all the posts each day. I really love the questions and how helpful the readership is.

I haven't posted any eye-candy of my own here for a while. I'll do something about that. What would you like to see pretty pictures of?

1 comment:

  1. "Pretty pictures" of artwork would be rad! Or, some home decor ideas ala Apartment Therapy.
