I haven't worked out yet this week and my plans for today consist of a phone interview, afternoon errands, and then maybe a drink with friends. I'm not sure where my workout is going to fit in. Maybe walking my dog?
Is is just me, or has Old Navy's quality hit an all time low? I haven't been there for a couple months since the location closest to me closed, but it seems like they've really amped up the amount of thin, boxy and poorly made items in their stores. Don't get me wrong, I understand that they're Gap's low-end brand. But they seem to be falling into a new realm of crappiness. Ugh. It's like they're daring you to look cheap.
Photo - oldnavy.com
I could not agree more. Other than a few random maternity things, I haven't bothered shopping there in SO long. As soon as something is washed once, that's pretty much it. Lame.