Thursday, February 11, 2010

Coffee update, et al

Following up on my coffee maker cleaning: I put a couple glugs (three or four tablespoons maybe) of vinegar in my coffee maker and filled it up with water. I ran it through with the vinegar, which seemed to move some mineral deposits through. I then ran it with just plain water, and it wasn't until my second water-only round that I realized my coffee maker has a Cleaning setting. ((hand on forehead)) So I turned it to Clean and ran the last round of water on that. Now it's sparkly clean. Yay!

Yesterday I ran through The Limited to check out the sale. I have a gift card that's been burning a hole in my pocket since my birthday, so I figured now's as good of a time as any to use it. The sale in the store was not as good as online however - very picked over. And the full priced items that I loved were a variety of tweed jackets that didn't make sense for me to be purchasing at over $100 each. Maybe once I can wear them to work it will seem less unreasonable.

I have yet to hear back on any of the jobs I've applied to recently, which is disappointing since some of them seem like perfect fits. I wonder what the other candidates look like. I'm guessing there are plenty of people out there with much more experience than me. Time to lower my standards?

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