Thursday, December 31, 2009

Setting the mark

Welcome! I'm defining some goals for the coming year and I'm hoping to use this blog as a tool to see them through. Despite my natural aversion to lists, here is my list for my 2010:

  1. Find a job that I love.
  2. Get involved in the local arts community.
  3. Join a group.
  4. Exercise once a week.
  5. Create a plan for decorating my house and execute it.
  6. Clean up my social life. This includes editing the dramatic friends. If their love life sounds more like a Stephanie Meyer book and less like an episode of Friends, I probably don't need that in my life. I love them, I wish them well, but I don't need to foster a relationship. This brings me to my next item:
  7. Foster the friends I have. Reconnect with people who have meaning in my life, take good care of my good friends, and be the kind of friend I would love to have. I'm never going to have a Miranda/Carrie friendship if I don't start actively providing that kind of effort.
  8. Keep reading. I often get stuck on books I don't enjoy and then fail to finish them. This leads to my giving up on reading. I need to allow myself to say, "I don't like this book and am going to read something else," instead of just giving up reading.
  9. Stay positive.
  10. Blog regularly.
There they are. My goals for the year. Now, to get started.

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